Blog Posts

Welcome to the blog posts of my experiences with being Pottermore fanfiction writer! Down below, it'll have various kinds of blogs, like my thoughts or opinions.

One night. All it took was a fateful night before I discovered the world of fan fiction. This was the beginning of when I would begin my fanfiction writing career. Come along and join me for the ride!

The Harry Potter books build a marvelous world that so many people love. But even I have my own opinions on it! Ranking from fave to least fave, these are my choices.

Ever wondered what it is like for a fanfiction writer? Do you want to know? Here, we've asked a prominent fanfiction writer about her experiences and what it means to be a writer. Delve into her mind and learn about the workings of fanfiction!

A popular, cleverly-written fanfiction online that hasn't been reviewed? What a disaster! Here I come with my own opinion on the fanfiction Calculation by fringeperson.

Written Works

Adventures Never End For The Potters

The child of Harry Potter, Albus Potter, always acknowledged how his father was the biggest hero, mainly because of his Weasly family members. But it always meant pressure from the Wizarding World. Somehow, his older brother James Potter could handle it, but Albus didn't have that same strength. Left with a legacy too burdening to handle on his shoulders, he embarks on his own adventure with his best friend, Rose Weasly and Scorpius Malfoy.